Friday, March 5, 2010

Truth Time

So I'll be honest, when I say that Mike & I are looking for a house to buy together, I really mean that Mike is looking for a house to buy and I'll essentially being paying him rent.  And slooooowly paying off half the down payment.

But seriously, the man is 26 years old and I can say with full confidence that I have never met someone more financially responsible than him.  And the time for that skill is now, especially because we frequently have conversations that go like this:

Me: Mike, I found a great listing.  Check it out.
Mike: Hannah, that is $55,000 over our budget.  What is wrong with you?
Me:  Oh, well, I don't's's just so pretty!  And I love it and it's great!  Please can we look at it?  Maybe they'll like us a lot and give us a great deal!
Mike:  Absolutely not.  Seriously, are you crazy?  Do you understand that $55,000 represents a year's salary for people?  Sometimes, Hannah...sometimes.  (Shakes his head.)
Me:  Oh, sorry.  Of course.  You're right. (Sad face.)

We have this conversation several times a day.  And with this, I bring you the first in my series of "Homebuying Tips from A Completely Unqualified, Inexperienced Person."  Also known as HTFACUIP...I know, so much easier to remember.

Tip #1:  If one (or neither) of the parties involved in the homebuying experience is capable of sticking to the budget, it's not the right time to buy.  When it comes down to it, if both parties can't pick an acceptable, reasonable budget and agree to only look at houses in that price range, the only thing waiting for you at the end of the house hunting experience is deep, deep disappointment.

So, while I am sure I will continue to send Mike the occasional outrageous listing, in my heart I know our budget and only schedule showings for houses in that budget.

But one can always dream.


  1. What a fabulous inaugural post! Still loving the gargoyle lions in front of the "dream" listing.

  2. Ok, from what I understand, a Blogger must BLOG! So give it up girlfriend! How did it go? What did you see? Are you ENcouraged or DIScouraged???
